How to Make Your Website SEO Friendly

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How to Make Your Website SEO Friendly

15 Dec, 2022

How to Make Your Website SEO Friendly

It is crucial to be aware of all the methods you may increase organic traffic to your website in the modern digital environment. Although everyone in the business uses terminology like "SEO-friendly website design," "technical SEO," "image optimization," and more, they may be fairly intimidating for newcomers.

What is an SEO Friendly Website? 

Simply said, a website that is SEO-friendly makes it easier for web crawlers to evaluate the site and gain a solid grasp of its structure and content.

Let's examine how to create websites that are SEO-friendly and the key attributes of one:

1. Unique Title and Descriptions for all Pages

All of a website's web pages should have their own distinct meta names and descriptions for it to be SEO-friendly. The descriptions can have up to 155 characters, and the titles often include between 50 and 60 characters. These titles are essential for search engine indexing since they clearly describe to users the subject matter of the webpage.

2. Clean URL Structure 

Your website's URL has to be neat and adhere to standard practices for crawling by search engines. You must make sure that permanent links are all lowercase, descriptive, spaced by dashes, and, if possible, use naturally occurring keywords for increased exposure.

3. Fast Loading Webpages 

Everyone avoids opening websites that take too long to load. You must make sure that a complete SEO audit is performed on your website to determine what can be done to speed up the loading of your pages in order to create an SEO-friendly website. For ranking algorithms, actions like image optimization can assist you to speed up the page load time and provide your website an advantage over slower websites.

4. Unique Content 

You must make sure that all of your pages include original material that is free from plagiarism. Plagiarized material can dramatically lower your website's SEO friendliness since search engines flag it.

5. Optimized Images

Large website photos might cause the page to load more quickly, which is bad for your website. To help search engine crawlers comprehend what the picture is about, make sure your photos are optimized and include alt text.

6. Create a Proper Content Structure 

Your website has to have a good content structure so that search engines can easily index it. Your website's overall structure should include the following components:

  • Header
  • H1 Tag or Page Title
  • Content with Subheadings (H1, H2, H3… tags for well-structured content distribution)
  • Author Bio/Information, Sharing Options
  • Footer

7. Responsive Website

All devices should be able to see the pages of your website without any problems. To maintain your website's SEO health, you must correct any errors if your pages or website are inoperable on any device.

8. Internal Linking 

Internal linking gives search engine crawlers a complete map of your domain. It aids crawlers in grouping related web pages together and building a solid internal architecture to increase the SEO friendliness of your website.

Why Is It Important for a Business to Have an SEO-Friendly Website?

1. Helps in Increasing Organic Traffic 

A website that is SEO-friendly will assist increase organic visitors. These are often the top results on the SERP pages and have a better ranking on the SERPs.

2. Increases Your Brand Credibility 

Users are more inclined to trust your website if it appears on the first page of search results than any other possibilities. This is a fantastic approach to boost brand credibility for both users and the search engine itself.

3. Cost-Effective

An SEO-friendly website continuously drives relevant traffic on its own. You won't need to spend as much money on PPC advertising if your website adheres to the best practices for search engine algorithms.

4. Improves User Experience 

The goal of all the top SEO techniques is to improve the user experience. Therefore, putting these techniques into effect on your website will improve user experience overall and make the user journey more pleasant and easy.

With this article, we want to assist you in taking one more step toward building an SEO-friendly website. Remembering that data representation is essential for demonstrating the impact of all SEO actions is equally significant.

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